16 OCTOBER 2021
Facilitated by Laura Bivolaru and Lina Ivanova
Revolv Collective was invited by Format / Grain to facilitate the third workshop in their masterclass series East Meets West, which focused on Group / Collective Working and Exhibiting. The full-day workshop took place on Zoom and was attended by twenty-two participants. They were asked to work in groups with unfinished or unpublished projects.
In the beginning, Lina and Laura introduced Revolv Collective and discussed the benefits of working collectively, as well as the case study of a publication launch from the perspective of both facilitator and participant. During the workshop, the masterclass attendees were invited to collaborate towards a suitable presentation format that could bring several of their projects together - their options were publication, virtual exhibition or website. During the first half of the session, they presented each individual project to the group and assessed the suitability of each format. For this purpose, they used the Google Suite and Ryeboard, which allowed the works to coalesce under a unitary concept or storyline. The second half of the day was focused on developing a curation strategy with the help of the Google Suite and Artsteps and on thinking creatively about making the event public through launching events and a variety of ways to reach the audience.