Revolv Collective is seeking works from lens-based artists investigating ideas about the self within photographic processes, responding to the title of the exhibition - Intro:spective. The role of the self in photography has been shifting ever since the inception of the medium. Intro:spective forms a critical dialogue around the ways in which artists employ photography as an experiential process; performing for the camera and exploring the photograph as material. Consequently, raising further questions about the fundamental nature of images and the manifestation of the self within contemporary visual culture.
Students and recent graduates are invited to submit to Intro:spective — a group exhibition on the notions of the self in photography. We are seeking works that look into representations and reflections of the self in a broader context, whilst simultaneously employing photography, sculpture, performance and other mediums. Five emerging artists will be selected to participate in the exhibition and artist crit taking place between the 5th and the 7th of April 2019 at Seen Fifteen gallery, London.
Selected artists will have the opportunity to exhibit their works alongside the members of Revolv Collective: Krasimira Butseva, Lina Ivanova, Ibrahim Azab, Lucas Gabellini-Fava and guest artist & curator Tom Lovelace. Employing darkroom and experimental processes, smartphone photography, medical examination imagery and sculpture through their practices, the artists place the self within fabricated and existing landscapes, constructed memories, the seen and unseen.
The exhibition Intro:spective will also include talks and discussion with Tom Lovelace, Jonny Briggs and Alexandra Davenport on 6th of April, as well as an artist crit with the selected artists on 7th of April.
In order to apply you must: 1. Be a current student or a recent graduate (up to 3 years after your graduation date)
2. Take care of printing and presentation of the work selected
3. Deliver and install your work on the 5th of April at Seen Fifteen Gallery, Unit B1:1, Bussey
Building, 133 Rye Lane, London SE15 3SN
4. Attend the artist crit on the 7th of April (12:00pm)
5. Deinstall your work on the 7th of April (4:00pm)
How to apply?
1. Name
2. Graduation year
3. Contact details
4. Bio (up to 150 words)
5. Statement (up to 150 words)
6. Website or link to online portfolio
7. Up to 5 images in jpeg format including titles, dimensions, material and any further installation info.
The open call is free to enter.
Send all information above in a single pdf (up to 5mb) to by the 14th of March 2019 23:59pm.