Myles Morgan Bailey
Martha Gray
Christian Jago
Longlisted artists:
Kate Ngan Wa Ao |
Jošt Dolinšek |
Christian Jago |
Amy J Wilson |
Adam Razvi |
Antonia Beard |
Ezra |
Martha Gray |
Joanna Stawnicka |
James Dewhirst |
Frederik Marks |
Esther Gabrielle Kersley |
Joseph Glover |
Daniel Dale |
Martin Del Busto |
Melanie Issaka |
Myles Morgan Bailey |
Toby Woollen |
An Ting Teng / Annie |
Luis Maria Sulzmann |
To celebrate the 5th anniversary of Revolv Collective, we’re delighted to announce the Revolv Award. This prize will support 3 early-career photo-based artists via a year-long mentorship with Revolv Collective. In addition to a programme of sessions designed by Revolv Collective, the 3 selected artists will receive tailored support to develop their practice.
Click here for Plain Enlarged Text
Click here for Audio Open Call
Mentees will receive the following (including but not limited to):
- Studio visits
- Group crits
- Portfolio reviews
- In conversation / public speaking experience
- Dedicated article / interview discussing their practice
- Instagram Takeover
- Professional consultations with industry experts, such as Lucid Imaging, Folium Publishing, Jack Carvosso Framing, Terra Firma Magazine and Spectrum Photographic
- A ping-pong competition with Revolv Collective
- Love, care and support
- Mystery Prizes
Unfolding over the course of a year, our co-created programme will be designed to build upon the Mentees’ artistic skills, cultivate their network and further their practice within the creative sector. We understand the difficulties facing early-career artists and find ourselves continually working to overcome the challenges posed by the arts industry. Drawing upon our real-life experiences and insights, we will provide attentive guidance aimed at nurturing the sustained development of our Mentees. The Revolv Award is about getting back to doing what we do best: collective learning, building relationships and nurturing growth.
Revolv Collective was founded in 2017 by the artists Krasimira Butseva and Lina Ivanova in the South of England, and later on it was joined by Ibrahim Azab, Lucas Gabellini-Fava, Victoria Louise Doyle, Alexander Mourant and Laura Bivolaru.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Key Dates 2022
Submissions Open: 18th May
NEW DEADLINE: 26th June 11:59pm
Longlist Announced: Mid-July
3 Selected Artists Announced: End July
Mentorship Begins: August 2022
Submission Criteria
Open to all early-career photo-based artists* (artist duos / groups are also eligible to apply), must be 18+. We greatly encourage applications from artists of any age, background and those who have no formal training. You can also apply if you are graduating or are currently studying on a BA or MA course.
*Our definition of photo-based artist is a practitioner who works with photography as a core element of their practice; includes artists who push the boundaries of photography, incorporating sculpture, collage, mixed-media, installation etc.
You do not need a studio to apply. By 'studio visits' we mean to Revolv's studio or other artists'.
- Artist Bio - Max 2500 characters with spaces
- Artist Statement - Max 2500 characters with spaces
- What makes you an early-career artist? - Max 1,250 characters with spaces
- Why do you need and want this opportunity? - Max 1,250 characters with spaces
- What would you gain from this collective experience? - Max 1,250 characters with spaces
- Is there any other information you’d like to share with us? - Max 1,250 characters with spaces
- Up to 10 examples of your work (this can include photography, installation shots, book spreads etc)
- Alternatively, you can submit 3 links to video works (if submitting video work please provide vimeo or youtube links)
- Online links: website, social media, etc.
Consider Donating to Revolv Collective
Revolv Collective is run on a voluntary unpaid basis by all our members. Although the Revolv Award is free to enter, we will greatly appreciate donations of any amount which will go directly towards the running of the Revolv Award and our programme. Please do not feel any pressure to donate, we realise it is a difficult time for early-career artists.
Donate here
As an organisation committed to equality and diversity, we welcome applications from people of all backgrounds. We are also happy to receive applications in an alternative range of formats, including written, audio or video files; please contact us for further guidance or advice: revolvcollective@gmail.com
If you require this callout in a different format not already covered, or need any other reasonable adjustments to enable you to apply or fully participate in the selection process, please contact: revolvcollective@gmail.com
Artists applying give consent to Revolv Collective to use their artworks on social media, related press and on our website, when used to promote the Revolv Award. Artists will retain all copyright and will always be credited.